Saturday, July 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Mikey!!!

Today I will honor my oldest son in celebration of his 28th birthday. I still remember as if it were yesterday how the Lord blessed me with this precious little gift from heaven. It took awhile to get him here, oh but the blessing he has been to us! He weighed 8 pounds and 2 ounces and to me was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen. I always wanted a little boy as my first born because as a child I wished for a big brother. I had it all planned out that my little boy would come first and then a little girl. What a perfect family. However, those were my plans and not God's plans. Our Father has blessed me with two wonderful boys who I fell madly in love with from the first time I saw their little red faces and tiny little hands and feet. They were the joys of my life and to this day still are. Thank you Lord for Children, for they are truly a gift from above.

Mark 10:14 "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them for the kingdom of God belongs to such as thee."

Thank you Lord for allowing me the privilege to care for your children!!!


Barbara said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY,John Michael. You have been loved from the beginning!! Hope your day is filled with surprises from family and friends and special God hugs from Heaven. Grandmother sends her love. Aunt Barbara and Uncle Jim.

valerie said...

Happy Birthday John Michael!
Bev, you are a very precious mother and your boys are blessed to have such a loving, caring mom like you.
Thanks again for taking pictures yesterday. Thanks for being there.
Your family is like family to us.
You all were there from the start...40 years ago!!!
Love you, Bev.